Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happines, and Healthcare?

Many people have cited healthcare as one of the important issues of the upcoming election. When Obama supporters are asked why they support him, many reply that he has a plan for improving healthcare. My question to those people then becomes: Is healthcare an entitlement to all Americans? Did I miss the section of the Constitution that deals with this, or maybe I'm just confused? Since when does it become the responsibility of the United States Government to provide some sort of healthcare for its citizens? Should the government then also provide three square meals a day, impose exercise requirements, and ban certain fast-food restaurant chains? Aren't all of these things health related? It seems to me that if the government is going to provide healthcare for everyone, it should protect its investment by requiring people to live a healthy lifestyle. I don't know about you, but I don't really care to have the government regulating how I live my day-to-day life, but that's the only way providing healthcare would make sense. People make individual choices every day to live unhealthily - they smoke, they sit in front of the TV instead of exercising, they go through the drive-thru at McDonalds. And then they have the audacity to presume the government provide healthcare for them? I don't think so. It's true that we pay taxes in this country - but it's also true that the Constitution spells out quite clearly what those taxes are to go for - which is another thing that bothers me when people complain about how much money is spent on defense and the military, because according to the Constitution, defense of our nation and its people is the number one priority. That's another topic for another day, though. Let's stick to healthcare - so we've got people who make choices to live unhealthy lives and then assume it's the government's job to help them with whatever problems arise as a result of their bad choices. I know that some things are beyond an individual's control, and I really do feel for those people, but since when should the majority suffer by paying higher taxes for the benefit of the few? Remember the whole "greatest good for the greatest number" thing? That's what I'm going for here, and if I someday come down with some sort of ailment and have failed to obtain personal healthcare for myself by then, well then don't bother feeling sorry for me. I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I'm simply saying that it's ridiculous to assume that it's the government's responsibility to provide healthcare.

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