Saturday, April 11, 2009

But...It's All Bush's Fault!!!

NY Times, September 30, 1999:

Fannie Mae Eases Credit to Aid Mortgage Lending

Pretty amazing stuff...I've heard enough people say that it's all Bush's fault. It's time to remember who really caused the current financial crisis.

1 comment:

D.A.D. said...

What an amazing article. It even predicts exactly what would happen - and now has happened - in a weaker economy. Clinton is the culprit. It is the Democrat Party that consistently pushed the economy to the edge.

And now that we are in a free fall, they pretend the parchute being manufactured on the way down will save us just as they say prosperity does not trickle down... .

What have we learned? That economic chaos and irresponsibility DO trickle UP.

TEA anyone?